In an uncertain world, it pays to have responsible and reliable experts to help you manage your finances. That's where we come in. Since our foundation in 2012 we've helped countless people and organizations put their money to work. From advice on investments, to accountancy solutions and much more, our team can design bespoke solutions tailored around your specific financial goals and your appetite for risk.

Connecting investors
with the latest opportunities



Lostoriun was launched in 2012 in Dublin. Since then we have grown quickly, building up an extensive range of international contacts and developing a global reach. At the same time, we have developed extensive expertise about each local market giving us the combination of an international perspective together with in depth-local knowledge.



We've built up a multi-disciplinary team with an in-depth level of expertise across a range of sectors. They offer tailored support with services ranging from portfolio construction to due diligence, investment management, financial analysis, fund raising, accounting, tax consulting and much more. Our multiple services are developed around our clients and their goals. All this with the assistance of our dedicated, expert team.



Our success is founded by the quality and experience of our team. We recruit people based on their passion for providing the very best financial advice possible, combined with their in depth market experience. Together with a network of experienced individuals and organizations, we've produced a team of professionals capable of meeting any investment goal. Thanks to the breadth of expertise within our team there is virtually nothing that we cannot help you with.



Innovation and development is at the heart of everything we do. We are constantly looking for exciting opportunities and invite all entrepreneurs to share with us their latest innovations.
To find out more about our services and how we can help you achieve your investment goals, feel free to get in touch.